Would You Like to Donate?
Every donation makes an impact. Every donor matters.
At Life Circle, we want to make our services affordable and accessible to every single person in Santa Fe…without question.
Our city has one of the highest percentages of population over 65 in the country. Please help us stay ahead of what scholarly literature calls the ‘silver tsunami.’ Which is a metaphor for our aging baby boomers.
Please donate today!
Together, we can care for those who have made Santa Fe one of America’s favorite vacation destinations, but more importantly, our home.

Would You Like to Donate Items…?
Here is our wish list for items needed:
Thank you for your collaboration & generosity!

Paper Products
- Paper towels
- Toilet tissue
- Facial tissue
- Napkins
- 8.5 inch-10 inch plates
- dessert plates

Kitchen Items
- White, heavy-duty plastic spoons and forks
- Gallon zip-top freezer bags
- Quart zip-top freezer bags

Food & Snacks
- Boxes of individual decaf tea bags
- Snack-size puddings, JELL-O, and fruit cups – regular and sugar-free
- Chips or cookies in individual size packages

Gardening Supplies
- Tools
- Plants

Gift Certificates or Gift Cards (Any place or denominations)
For staff appreciation, bingo prizes, volunteer appreciation, to purchase items for the center, etc.

Art Supplies
- Markers, washable or permanent
- Elmers glue, or glue sticks

Party Supplies & Decorations
Any holiday theme: Christmas, Thanksgiving, Hanukah, Halloween…etc.
Our Partners & Supporters
Thank you for your collaboration & generosity!
Anderson Foundation
Arya and Henry Bagly Foundation
Barker Realty
Catholic Charities
Century Bank
City of Santa Fe Fire Department
City of Santa Fe Meals on Wheels
City of Santa Fe Retired Seniors Volunteer Program (RSVP)
Coming Home Connections
Eloqui Company
Frost Foundation
Kitchen Angels
NM Aging and Long Term Services Dept (ALTSD)
Mayor of Santa Fe
Mcintosh Foundation
New Mexico Department of Transportation
100 Women who Care
Putnam Foundation
Santa Fe Community Foundation
US Bank
1800A Espinacitas Street
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505